Latest Software Testing News and Blogs

Started with a new product can be tricky. It needs you to have a well-defined strategy and a solid Quality Assurance plan, when you are aiming to beat the existing competition in the market. It is crucial that you must understand your product well for its scope, failures, and a definite QA process.

  •  30/8/2021 02:55 PM

Bots and AI are no longer buzzwords to the software testing industry, rather they have turned to be a vital component of automation testing services. And if you need to seep for any changes in the test procedures for more advanced strategies, AI and Bots are the tools that could help you redefine the entire idea of QA software testing services.

  •  16/8/2021 12:35 PM

Technological shift has just begun. As we have stepped into 2019, we should expect more milestones as several new software testing trends are being discovered. QC/QA must be hoping to take shape shortly. Considering all such facts, here are software testing trends.

  •  16/5/2019 06:33 PM

Automation of tests is the best way to achieve the required level of testing. Performance testing of payment gateway is also required as large number of customer base can be accessing at one time. See more at original source of the blog post.

  •  24/4/2019 05:31 PM